When you download the scenario collection as a zip file, just extract them to your "scenario" folder in your OpenRCT2 directory (e.g. Get more information about my scenarios, including objectives and scenario options, here!.Download my full custom scenario collection here!.No custom scenery objects are used in any of the scenarios, although some scenarios do use the terrain edge styles from RCT1 - linking RCT1 Deluxe to your OpenRCT2 installation will make the RCT1 terrain edge styles show up. Realism-focused playstyles are NOT recommended, especially in several of the challenging and expert scenarios in this pack. You should still have fun playing the scenarios regardless though, especially if you seek a greater challenge than the official RCT1 and RCT2 scenarios. I am of the opinion that the RCT2 Wacky Worlds and Time Twister scenarios themselves are too easy, hence why I created beefed up versions of them. pricing umbrellas and rides at max price, building highly efficient rides and coasters, and having a better understanding of the game's mechanics in general) to win these scenarios. As you look into the scenarios, you might notice that some of the goals are absurdly high for the scenario group the scenario is placed in - you will need to use a more systematic gameplay approach (e.g. Also, there are multiple scenarios with the "Finish building 5 coasters" goal, as well as several with the "Build 10 roller coasters with a given length" goal.

There are also 7 "no money" scenarios available. There is at least one scenario for every objective type in the game. It includes but is not limited to many highly challenging scenarios, remixes of various scenarios from RCT1 and RCT2, beefed up and improved/revisited versions of all RCT2 Wacky Worlds and Time Twister scenarios (often appended with a Roman numeral 2 "II" at the end of the name), and scenarios inspired by other games/media, including 4 Halo-themed scenarios! Hello to everyone reading! I have a huge collection of custom scenarios for OpenRCT2, currently with a whooping 326 of them (as of ).